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ERP Corp, Inc.

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Web Site Design

Client: ERP Corp, Inc.
Project: Website Design & Development

ERP Corp, Inc. is a consultancy based in San Diego, CA who provides SAP® Financials and Controlling consulting services for major companies such as Sharp Electronics, Kraft Foods, Lockheed Martin, McKesson Pharmaceuticals, Martin-Baker Aircraft, and many others. Azurelink revamped the site building it on the Joomla CMS, improving the content/menu structure and overall navigability, refined the design and branding elements, while implementing new features such as text sliders in the Publications section, adding a consultant's blog based on the K2 Joomla component, and incorporating viral and social media share/tweet and follow links. ERP Corp also produces a yearly Controlling conference for SAP professionals working with the SAP Controlling Module.

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ERP Corp, Inc. Site ThumbnailClick image to enlarge...

Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com

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Azurelink serves clients from all over the U.S. Our home office is in the rural farming town of Townsend, Massachusetts.

249 Wallace Hill Rd
Townsend, MA 01469

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