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Keeping Joomla 2.5 Up To Date: Joomla! Update Not Showing Latest Version

Joomla 2.5 has many great features including an easy way to update the version of Joomla to the latest version using a one click method. Instead of dragging a patch directory over the Joomla directory, or gasp, dragging files individually to their respective directories, site administrators can now use the Joomla! Update component to keep Joomla up-to-date.

But I've been running into a significant glitch on my 2.5 sites when using the Joomla! Update component — and so have others as evidenced by posts on the Joomla Community Forums.

The Glitch: Joomla is Up To Date Even Though It's Not

From time to time, when trying to update the version of Joomla 2.5.x, the Joomla! Update component may tell you that you already have the most recent version of Joomla even though you know for a fact that a newer version is available.

Solution: Purge the Update Cache

The simple fix to this problem is to purge the update cache, as follows:

  1. After logging in to the Joomla Administrator area, in the main menu, hover your mouse cursor over Extensions and then click on Extension Manager.
  2. On the Extension Manager page, click on the Update tab to make it the active tab, and then click on the Purge Cache icon link in in the upper right corner of the screen. That ought to do it.

Now re-check Joomla! Update and see if it is displaying the option to update Joomla.

If Joomla! Update still does not give you the option to update, you can also try fixing the database by doing the following:

  1. In the main menu, hover your mouse cursor over Extensions and then click on Extension Manager and select to Database tab to make it the active tab. Then click on the Fix button in the top right toolbar.

Retry the Joomla! Update component.

Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com
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