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HeronGrace Nonprofit Solutions

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Identity & Branding

Client: HeronGrace Nonprofit Solutions
Project: Logo Design, Web Site Design, Letterhead & Envelopes, Business Cards, Name Tags, Conference Materials, Twitter Home page design.

Azurelink created a dynamic, attractive look for HeronGrace using a bold green and black color scheme which is at once elegant and graphically easy to read. The green theme positions this company well since many of its clients are environmentally aware.

HeronGrace is a consultancy working with nonprofits, providing them with fundraising guidance and technology solutions.

HeronGrace Nonprofit Solutions Print Collateral Images

Stationary, #10 Envelope, Business Card, Name Tag.Click images to enlarge...HeronGrace Web Site Home Page

Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com


Azurelink serves clients from all over the U.S. Our home office is in the rural farming town of Townsend, Massachusetts.

249 Wallace Hill Rd
Townsend, MA 01469